All sorts of people employ new machines linked up to their telephone to determine whether the caller is telling lies or not.
"Our neighborhoods are bathed in high-intensity light; we do not want to afford ourselves even so much a luxury as a shadow."The shadow here refers to private space.
A. 对
B. 错
X线透视的优点是( )
A. 可动态多角度观察
B. 与屏片系统相比,影像清晰度较差
C. 不能留下永久记录
D. 辐射剂量相对较大
下列用于检查乳腺的是( )
A. 普通X线摄影
B. 造影检查
C. 软X线检查
D. 胸透
将对比剂注入脏器,产生较大密度差,扩大了X线的检查范围的是( )
A. 普通X线摄影
B. 造影检查
C. 软X线检查
D. 眼异物定位