
Conversation 1Greg:Hi May, how are you doing?May: Good.I’m learning more about the Australian workplace after__1___months.There are some similarities and a few differences between____2_____and______3_____ workplaces.Greg:Really?May: Oh yes. Like the Chinese workplace, the first rule is to__4________on time at work and for meetings. Being late is considered_______5_______.Greg We expect people to be punctual too. So that will be the____6_______May: But, there is one____7_____difference.Greg :A big difference?May: Ah hah. Here, you__8_______ your bosses but relate to themas equals. We__9______ do that in a Chinese workplace. Wecan't call our bosses by their___10_____names. l was shocked thatwe call the boss David and not Director White, as we do in China.Greg: Oh yes.The management structure of companies in Australia isusually flatter.May: Flatter?Greg:You know 'flat... level. Itmeans we are not so concerned aboutfollowing hierarchy.May: lsee. How interesting!Greg Any more differences?May: Yes, one more. It isalright to say 'l don't know' People are notafraid to ask for clarification, if they don't understandsomething.Greg Well. It's better to askquestions and get it right. Don't you dothat in China?May: Ah ... We speak only when we know theanswers. We want tosave face.


下列是企业成立的必备条件的有( )。

A. 有一定的资产
B. 有自己的名称
C. 有相应的组织机构和场所
D. 有两名以上股东

下列关于公司的认识,正确的有( )。

A. 公司要以全部资产对债务承担责任
B. 公司都是以盈利为目的
C. 公司分为有限责任公司和股份有限公司
D. 公司都是非公有制性质

一个公司能否经营成功取决于很多因素,主要有( )。①制定正确的经营战略②依靠技术进步、科学管理等手段形成自己的竞争优势③要诚信经营,树立良好的信誉和形象 ④致力于企业兼并,努力实现企业重组

A. ①②④
B. ①③④
C. ②③④
D. ①②③

三鹿奶粉因含大量三聚氰胺致使食用该奶粉的婴幼儿患肾结石,严重侵害了消费者的合 法权益,最终也给企业自身带来了巨大损失。该事件给企业生产经营的启示是( )。

A. 企业要制定正确的经营战略
B. 企业的发展离不开科技进步
C. 企业要以科学管理提高竞争力
D. 企业必要诚信经营,树立良好形象
