Which is the correct paragraph leader?…………………………………..For example, World Bank lending for infrastructure investment declined by 50 per cent during 1993-2002, with much of this directed towards preparing firms for privatisation. In 2002, Bank lending for water and sanitation projects, in particular, was only 25 per cent of its annual average during 1993-97.
At the same time, the World Bank increased its support for private investment in utilities through its International Finance Corporation and its Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
B. One of the chief reasons: lack of interest from private investors.
C. Hence, African countries have been caught in a terrible bind. Not only has donor financing of public investment declined but also private investment has followed suit.
D. When countries in sub-Saharan Africa became independent, the state dominated the provision of utilities.
E. Thus, many governments have had to re-align their expectations.
F. The initial hopes for privatisation were so high that donor spending on infrastructure fell in the expectation that the private sector would take up the slack.
Which is the correct paragraph leader?…………………………………..While Bank lending to public electricity utilities dropped from about US$ 2.9 billion in 1990 to only US$ 824 million in 2001, its sector lending to private investors rose from US$ 45 million to US$ 687 million.
At the same time, the World Bank increased its support for private investment in utilities through its International Finance Corporation and its Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
B. One of the chief reasons: lack of interest from private investors.
C. Hence, African countries have been caught in a terrible bind. Not only has donor financing of public investment declined but also private investment has followed suit.
D. When countries in sub-Saharan Africa became independent, the state dominated the provision of utilities.
E. Thus, many governments have had to re-align their expectations.
F. The initial hopes for privatisation were so high that donor spending on infrastructure fell in the expectation that the private sector would take up the slack.
Which is the correct paragraph leader?……………………………… Moreover, many governments have had to adopt fiscal austerity programmes, which have led to further declines in domestic public investment in utilities.
At the same time, the World Bank increased its support for private investment in utilities through its International Finance Corporation and its Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
B. One of the chief reasons: lack of interest from private investors.
C. Hence, African countries have been caught in a terrible bind. Not only has donor financing of public investment declined but also private investment has followed suit.
D. When countries in sub-Saharan Africa became independent, the state dominated the provision of utilities.
E. Thus, many governments have had to re-align their expectations.
F. The initial hopes for privatisation were so high that donor spending on infrastructure fell in the expectation that the private sector would take up the slack.
易氧化和遇光变质,需装在密盖瓶中保存的药物是( )
A. 巴比妥
B. 氨茶碱
C. 甲氧氯普胺(胃复安)
D. 糖衣片
E. 地西泮(安定)
抢救青霉素过敏休克病人时,首选的药物为( )
A. 盐酸异丙嗪
B. 去肾上腺素
C. 盐酸肾上腺素
D. 异丙肾上腺素
E. 盐酸去甲肾上腺素