
Complete the summary with information from the passage. Use no more than one word or number for each blank.As a judge on the Singapore Supreme Court, it is Judith Prakash’s responsibility to make 1.decisions. Much of her job requires 2.to people who disagree with each other. Their 3.argue about the facts of each case, and Judith must decide who is telling the 4..For many years, there were no female judges on the Supreme Court, but now, Judith serves as a role 5.to the women on the lower courts.


1. Whom does the man want to talk to?_______________________________________2. When does the conversation most likely take place?_______________________________________3. What does the receptionist offer to do?_______________________________________

据文献记载,春秋时( )最早修筑长城百里,称“方城”。

A. 秦国
B. 楚国
C. 燕国
D. 魏国

明长城中保存最完好、最具代表性的一段是( )。

A. 八达岭长城
B. 司马台长城
C. 慕田谷长称
D. 金山岭长城

我国古代崇拜“中”的意识与古代人们( )的崇拜有关。

A. 北极星
B. 泰山
C. 皇帝
D. 祖先
