
Many investors chose to ______ during the financial crisis.

A. hold back
B. reserve
C. sit back
D. withhold


Mary jumped to her dream company after graduation, only to find that wasn’t what she ______.

A. had expected
B. have expected
C. expected
D. was expected

Inasurveyof54oftheworld'sleadingbrands,almostallofthemreportedthatconsumersareshowingincreasingcareabout ________lifestyles.

A. sustainable
B. exotic
C. chaotic
D. mature

One of the worst things a teacher can do is ______their students they are unintelligent.

A. telling
B. tell
C. to tell
D. to have told

The use of material reward to stimulate children’s motivation for study may be ______ to the parents’ expectations.

A. consistent
B. in contrast
C. counter
D. in line
