
In Mexico __________go a long way, and remember Japanese traditionally prefer oral agreements to written ones if you can avoid demanding a ________if possible.


It is perhaps better not to bring up the ____________or the Russian monarchy in Russia.

A sign of respect throughout Asia is _________________. Hierarchy is a crucial factor and the first person to enter a room is always the head of the group.

1.账户发生额试算平衡法即全部账户借方本期发生额合计等于全部账户贷方本期发生额合计,是由下列哪一项确定的 ( )

A. 借贷记账法的记账规则
B. 会计等式的平衡原理
C. 经济业务的不同类型
D. 平行登记的基本原理

2.账户余额试算平衡法即全部账户借方余额合计等于全部账户贷方余额合计,是由下列哪一项确定的 ( )

A. 借贷记账法的记账规则
B. 会计等式的平衡原理
C. 经济业务的不同类型
D. 平行登记的基本原理
