Writing你是Ben,是新近搬来的住户,为了尽早和邻居熟识,你准备在11月25号晚上7:00-11:00在自家院子里举办暖房趴,你想邀请你的邻居Joyce参加,给她写封邀请函,告知她Party的时间地点,告诉她如果天气好,会有烧烤,还可以唱歌跳舞等。Hello Joyce,I’d like to invite you to 1 . Would you like to come?I’d love to take the time to 2 .The party is at3 .It starts at 7pm, and I think it’ll finish around 11pm. If the weather is good,4 ! Im making the food for the barbecue, but if you’d like to bring some juice with you that would be great. There will also besingingand some dancing,so please being comfortable shoes!5Yours,Ben备选项A.meet you and my other neighbors properly.B.Please let me know if you can come.C.my housewarming party.D. we’ll have a barbecueE.my yardon Nov.25