【背景资料】某商厦为现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,建筑面积约2000m2,地上7层,地下1层。工程于2010年6月开工建设,2012年8月8日竣工验收,并交付使用。在2014年夏季,商厦员工发现屋面大面积渗漏,经调查发现,该工程所采用的APP防水卷材材料质量存在问题,该材料由施工单位负责采购,因此,业主要求施工单位维修并赔偿损失。而施工单位称该屋面防水已过保修期,对建设单位要求不予理睬 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项 正常使用条件下,装修工程的最低保修期是多少年()。
A. 70以上
B. 50~69
C. 35~49
D. 20~34
E. 20以下
F. 100以上
Companycom has seven days of vmstat data on a p5 590. The server has a total of four test/dev LPARs and 4 production LPARs of one processor each. On the four test/dev LPARs, the data shows 90-95% peak utilizations with a duration of from 5 to 10 minutes. The average utilizations of all LPARs were between 15-30%. All of the applications have different times when they peak. What is the best configuration to fully utilize the processor resource?()
A. Set up the server in SMP mode and use WLM to manage resources effectively
B. Set up eight dedicated LPARs and use DLPAR to manage resources effectively
C. Set up a shared pool with eight capped LPARs including production and test/dev
D. Set up a shared pool with eight uncapped LPARs with priority weight to Productio