下列所述与第一次鸦片战争的爆发没有关系的一项是( )。
A. 虎门销烟
B. 一次工业革命
C. 英国在中英两国的贸易中处于贸易逆差的地位
D. 清廷的腐败无能
A. 雾气
B. 液珠
C. 二氧化碳
D. 毒气
When a marine surveyor is employed to assist in the move of a mobile offshore drilling unit,he().
A. becomes responsible for the safe movement of the rig
B. relieves the Offshore Installation Manager at the moment the rig is free from the bottom
C. must be designated as the person in charge of the rig
D. is a specialist who is hired to provide advice and guidance on aspects of the move