You install WSUS on a server that runs Windows Server 2008. You need to ensure that the traffic between the WSUS administrative web site and the server administrators computer is encrypted What should you do()?
A. Configure SSL encryption on the WSUS server website
B. Run the netdom trust /SecurePasswordPrompt command on the WSUS server
Configure the NTFS permissions on the content directory to Deny Full control permission to the Everyone group
D. Configure the WSUS server to require integrated Windows authentication (IWA) hen users connect to the WSUS server.
某牛场,在山洪爆发后,发现几头牛突然死亡,口鼻部有血液流出,部分牛精神沉郁,体温高达40.3℃,在颈、胸、肩部等处有局限性肿胀,经采耳血进行涂片检查,发现革兰氏染色阳性的杆菌,呈“竹节状“短链状排列。 其病原为()。
A. 炭疽杆菌
B. 沙门氏菌
C. 巴氏杆菌
D. 破伤风梭菌
E. 结核杆菌
A. 正确
B. 错误