ou work in a company which is named Wiikigo Corp. The company uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now for a new application, a SQL Server 2008 instance has to be installed on an existing server. The server contains a default SQL Server 2005 instance. Your company CIO wants their corresponding certified third-party applications can access to both database instances. The company assigns this task to you. You must achieve this by using as little database administrative effort as possible, and never change the existing application environments. What should you do? ()
A. You should install SQL Server 2008 as the default instance, and configure the new application to use the default instance
B. You should upgrade the SQL Server 2005 application to use SQL Server 2008
C. You should upgrade the SQL Server 2005 instance to a SQL Server 2008 instance
D. You should install SQL Server 2008 as a named instance, and make the new application use the new instance.&e
A. 直接用扳法即可缓解
B. 可先按揉患侧天宗穴,当痛稍减后,再施扳法
C. 此症不适合推拿治疗
D. 等疼痛减轻,头可转动时,再以推拿治疗
E. 可先用热敷法,再推拿治疗,但不宜用扳法
A. 5外部设备
B. 主存储器
C. 数据通信设备
D. CPU的一部分
A. HCG-β亚基有促卵泡成熟活性
B. HCG可作用于月经黄体
C. HCG能抑制淋巴细胞的免疫性
D. HCG有与LH相似的生物活性
E. HCG在体内的半衰期约22分钟