有必要让人们充分认识违反交通规则的危害。(aware of)
Traditional structured analysis techniques focus upon the flow of (71) within a system. Object-oriented analysis emphasizes the building of real-world models. It examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the (72) domain. Traditional system design method emphasizes the proper and effective structure of a complex system. Object-oriented design method encompasses the process of object-oriented decomposition and a (73) for depicting both logical and physical as well as static and dynamic models of the system under design. Object-oriented programming is a method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each of which represents an (74) of some class, and whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united via (75) relationships. (71)处填()。
A. control
B. program
C. data
D. reference
类比二分搜索算法,设计k 分搜索算法(k 为大于2 的整数)如下:首先检查n / k 处(n为被搜索集合的元素个数)的元素是否等于要搜索的值,然后检查2n / k 处的元素,…,这样,或者找到要搜索的元素,或者把集合缩小到原来的1/ k ;如果未找到要搜索的元素,则继续在得到的集合上进行k 分搜索;如此进行,直到找到要搜索的元素或搜索失败。此k 分搜索算法在最坏情况下搜索成功的时间复杂度为 (64) ,在最好情况下搜索失败的时间复杂度为 (65) 。 (64)处填()。
A. O(log n)
B. O(nlog n)
C. O(logk n)
D. O(nlogk n)
2011年3月15日,张某以14万元购买了一辆小轿车。同日,张某与某保险公司签订了机动车辆保险合同,其投保的机动车辆保险险种包括机动车辆车损险,第三者责任险并附加盗抢险,保险金额为140000元,赔偿限额为50000元。同年4月20日,张某驾驶该车外出游玩途中,该车被三名持刀抢劫犯抢走。案发后数日,该地公安派出所接到报告发现被劫车辆,遂租用一辆吉普车追击堵截。罪犯发现被追捕后,加速逃跑时,驾车坠入20米高的大桥下,造成车损人亡。后经保险公司现场勘验核实,此案中形成如下损失和费用;(1)被保险车辆的直接损失31000元;(2)租用吉普车费用(公安局破案用)1000元;(3)案发后,公安部门为了吊、拖受损机动车辆支出的费用800元。 问:本案中,保险公司应赔偿哪些损失和费用?