



1. 将工作表Sheet1的A1:F1单元格合并为一个单元格,内容水平居中;计算个人工资的浮动额(浮动额=原工资×浮动率);计算女工人数,将结果置于Cll单元格(利用COUNTIF函数);将A2:F10单元格区域的格式设置为自动套用格式“古典1”;将工作表命名为“工资浮动额情况表”。
2. 选取“姓名”和“浮动额”两列数据(不包括“女职工人数”行)建立“簇状柱形图”(系列产生在“列”),图标题为“工资浮动情况图”,清除图例;设置分类轴文字大小为10;将图插入到工作表的A12:F24单元格区域内。保存EX02A.XLS文件。
3. 在考生文件夹下打开文件EX02B.XLS(内容如下表),要求如下:对工作表“选修课程成绩单”内数据清单的内容按主要关键字“课程名称”的递减次序进行排序,对排序后的内容进行分类汇总,分类字段为“课程名称”,汇总方式为“最大值”,汇总项为“成绩”,汇总结果显示在数据下方,工作表名不变。保存EX02B.XLS工作簿。

During the 1960s, FTC required ail cigarette packages and advertising to print an explicit

Most doctors in a recent survey said that
annual physical examinations were effective with detecting illness 【M1】______
in apparently healthy patients, even there is little scientific evidence 【M2】______
to support the exams. The report found that physicians are largely unaware that 【M3】______
current federal government guidelines did not recommend annual exams for healthy adults
with symptoms. The study also suggested that in
performing annual physicals many physicians 【M4】______
routinely order screening tests that had not been
proved useful for patients with no symptoms. 【M5】______
Sixty-five percent of 783 physicians who completed a questionnaire maintained that【M6】______
an annual physical was necessary, and 55 percent believed that annual physicals for healthy
adults were recommended by national organizations. The researchers found that even
many a doctors who were aware of published
guidelines continued to perform. annual physicals, 【M7】______
because patients wanted them, or because
they believed the procedure gave them the chance 【M8】______
to offer advice about preventive health measures.
Among the physicians, those are younger, 【M9】______
the women, the gynecologists and those in private practice
were the most inclined ones to favor 【M10】______
annual exams.
