Ellen 查看材料
All animals have the right to live for themselves.
B. Some vegetarians in fact eat small-sized animals.
C. Vegetarians need to do more to save animals"lives.
D. Some people have overstressed the rights of animals.
E. Vegetarians should be consistent in their eating habits.
F. How can I become a vegetarian without a favorable environment?
G. Eating less meat saves not only the life of animals but also that of your own.
A. 经营性资产周转率
B. 经营性资产报酬率
C. 毛利率
D. 核心利润率
E. 净利率
According to the text, today‘ s kids are______ 查看材料
A. aware of governing themselves
B. skilled in social communication
C. good at using electronic devices
D. short of the attention from adults