The fictional place that bears marked similarities to the town where______had been raised
A. William Styron
B. Mark Twain
C. William Faulkner
D. John Barth
What does the poet think the world will end in?
A. 颗粒型白斑发生在发红的粘膜上
B. 白斑有时伴白色念珠菌感染
C. 口底和舌腹部的白斑常为皱褶状
D. 疣状白斑不恶变
E. 颗粒型白斑有可能恶变
A. 家族性遗传疾病
B. 口干
C. 损害皱襞状、海绵状
D. 口腔、眼结膜、外阴都可发生
E. 无痛