A国家消亡--民族消亡--阶级消亡 ;
B国家消亡--阶级消亡--民族消亡 ;
C阶级消亡--国家消亡--民族消亡 ;
男性,生后3小时:G2P1孕38周,母亲孕中期发现贫血,HGB70g/dl,剖宫产分娩,羊水一度污染,出生体重:2000g,出生时APGAR评分:1分钟8分(肌张力1分,皮肤颜色1分),5分钟10分,因“小于胎龄儿”,转入我院新生儿科治疗。入院查体:T:不升,R:45次/分 P:120次/分,W:2000g,面色及全身略白,精神欠佳,呼吸平稳,双肺呼吸音清,未闻及干湿啰音,心率120次/分 律齐,心音有力,未闻及杂音,腹软,肝脾不大,四肢活动减少,四肢肌张力略低,原始反射引出完整。最可能的诊断及诊断依据主要的鉴别诊断治疗原则
患儿,男,汉族,4天,皮肤黄染3天,反复惊厥1天,患儿胎龄38+3周,第4胎2产,出生体重2700克,于07-05-04出生,Apgar评分9/10分,无宫内窘迫,羊水量中,Ⅱ污染,无胎膜早破史。生后约15小时出现皮肤黄染,逐渐加重,生后第3天出现发热,体温最高达38.5℃,发热1小时就诊与外院(乌县医院),发现患儿有惊厥,表现为多次四肢抽动,持续时间不一,给予安定0.5mg、苯巴比妥6.5mg后止惊效果不明显,惊厥仍反复发作。于05-07查血总胆红素值为632.5μmol/L,结合胆红素137.2μmol/L,未结合胆红素495.3μmol/L,给予白蛋白、丙种球蛋白、菌必治及青霉素等药物治疗,以及吸氧、蓝光照射12小时,症状缓解不明显,检查发现患儿母亲血型为Rh(-),为进一步诊治转入我院。病程中精神反应差,哺乳差,大便色黄,无灰白便,小便色深黄,无皮疹及出血点,混合喂养。体检:T:37℃ HR:152次/分 RR:38次/分 WB:2700g,皮肤重度黄染,精神萎靡,反应欠佳,前囟2×2cm,张力增高,双眼有凝视,巩膜黄染,颈部稍有抵抗,呼吸不规律,腹部膨隆,未见腹壁静脉曲张,肝脏肋下2.5cm,剑突下2cm,质地韧,边缘锐利,脾脏未触及,四肢肌张力减弱,拥抱反射、吸吮反射、觅食反射未引出。辅助检查:经皮胆红素值:18mg/dl。 初步诊断诊断依据辅助检查治疗方案
1. His son is (luck)______________ enough to have been admitted to this large company.
2. After an (introduce) _______________ by the manager, we’ll go on with the day’s discussion.
3. We must keep the manager (inform)______________of the advertising campaign.
4. It is suggested that the president of the Union (make) _________________ a speech on behalf of all workers.
5. Having been badly damaged by the earthquake, the town has to be (rebuild)__________ .
6. With such a short time (leave)_________, it’s impossible for us to finish this complicated experiment.
7. The local economy depends (heavy) _________ on the exports of manufacture’s goods.
8. The proposal about the annual sales (discuss) ___________at the next board meeting.
9. If your neighbors are too noisy, then you have a good reason to make your (complain)______________.
10. Lily tends to get very (patience)__________ if you ask her more than two questions.
III. Reading Comprehension (30’)
Directions: Read the following passage and then choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
Task 1
When it comes to human resources, hiring highly-skilled staff is not usually enough for a company to function successfully. Besides the knowledge in their particular fields, employees must always have additional skills—those of co-operation. In the case that work tasks can only be carried out by communicating with people, accepting common decisions, solving problems, sharing information and helping one another, teamwork skills are vital.
While some jobs may require talent, the ability to work as a team is learned