What do we learn from the passage? 查看材料
A. The government will reduce the over-reliance on test results.
B. The school principal is not involved in the teacher"s evaluation.
C. Teachers rated ineffective for two successive years may lose their job.
D. The teacher"s teaching materials are not included in evaluation.
A. 一般不能逆转到未分化状态
B. 可逆转到未分化状态
C. 不能逆转到分化状态
D. 可逆转到分化状态
E. 以上都不是
According to Andrew Cuomo, the teacher evaluation system now__________.
A. helps to promote the education reform
B. has influence over students" scores
C. can solve the problem between teachers and students
D. is far from real, accurate and fair
A. 核仁
B. 细胞核
C. 染色体
D. 脂褐质
E. 线粒体
A. 全能细胞
B. 单能细胞
C. 多能细胞
D. 淋巴细胞
E. 以上细胞都不是