“低碳”不仅是经济发展的生态原则,也是一种健康的生活方式。以下选取的是生活中的几个镜头: ①饭店里,有顾客拒绝使用一次性筷子。 ②集市上,有购物者向销售者一次次索要塑料袋。 ③学校里,空无一人的教室灯火通明。 ④在写字楼里,有人上下楼不乘电梯走楼梯。 ⑤农家院里,做饭,照明使用自家生产的沼气。 “低碳”体现了人类对人与自然和谐关系的追求。如果以“实现人鱼自然和谐是环境伦理的应有之义”为题写一篇小论文,请列出要点。
A. 阿替洛尔
B. 西地兰
C. 速尿
D. 喘定
E. 异搏定
F. 硝普钠
G. 氟美松
H. 吗啡
I. 异丙基肾上腺素
You are working in an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. You realize that the salary for an employee, John, has been accidentally modified in the EMPLOYEES table. Two days ago, the data was in the correct state. Flashback logs generated during last two days are available in the flash recovery area. Which option would you choose to bring the data to the correct state while ensuring that no other data in the same table is affected?()
A. perform pointintime recovery
B. perform a Flashback Table operation to restore the table to the state it was in two days ago
C. perform a Flashback Database operation to restore the database to the state it was in two days ago
D. perform Flashback Versions Query and Flashback Transaction Query to determine all the necessary undo SQL statements, and then use them for recovery
A. 主电瓶故障
B. MFD故障
C. 备用电瓶故障