A. 风速一般不大于0.5m/s
B. 检测期间天气为阴天、多云天气、夜间或晴天日落2h后
C. 避开强电磁场,防止强电磁场影响红外热像仪的正常工作
D. 被检测设备周围应具有均衡的背景辐射,应尽量避开附近热辐射源的干扰,某些设备被检测时还应避开人体热源等的红外辐射
Damaged bulkheads often take a permanent set which is independent of the panting or bulge caused by water pressure. To control this, you should().
A. install shoring so the the shoring supports the damaged bulkhead without pushing on them
B. install shoring so that it pushes on the damaged bulkhead while supporting it
C. use jacks or chain falls to remove the set before installing shores
D. place sandbags by the bulkhead without installing shore
A. 独立审批
B. 统一审批
C. 分级审批
D. 审贷分离