A. 业主项目部
B. 建设单位
C. 施工单位
D. 设计单位
A. 教育目的
B. 教学目标
C. 培养目标
D. 培养目的
A. 通腑泄热
B. 导滞通便
C. 增液攻下
D. 通瘀破结
E. 益气养阴攻下
One of the disadvantages of using carbon dioxide to extinguish a fire in an enclosed space is ().
A. the "snow" which is sometimes discharged along with the gas is toxic
B. prolonged exposure to high concentrations of C02 gas causes suffocation
C. rapid dissipation of the C02 vapor
D. the C02 gas is lighter than air and a large amount is required to extinguisha fire near the deck