Suggestions from developed countries that less developed countries develop similar schemes often lack ______.
Increasingly common crime.
Questions 6-10Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each gap. Ken suggests the ()as a venue for the stag night.
The Danish survey used photographs of ______.
在面向对象技术中,一个子类的对象同时又属于父类,它继承了父类的一切属性,这种多态性称为 (11) 。同一个算子在不同的表达式中可能有不同的操作意义,这种多态性称为 (12) 。编译程序根据上下文判定算子的操作意义,这称为 (13) 。
A. 参数多态
B. 过载多态
C. 包含多态
D. 隐含多态