


在下边的空格处填上适当的量词。 对专家,你敬他们一( ),他们敬你一( );你尊重他们的劳动,他们就会把劳动成果献给你。

词类是( )。词类划分的依据是词的( )、( )、( ),主要是词的( )。

假设句“如果说A,那么就B。”表示反事实的假设与结论。( )

A. 正确
B. 错误

Directions: Scan the following passage and find the words which have roughly the same meanings as those given below. The number in the brackets after each word definition refers to the number of paragraph in which the target word is. Write the word you choose on the Answer Sheet.This strategy has been highlighted by several tobacco journals which have carried articles on "targeting the female smokers" and suggesting that retailers should "look to the la-dies". Among the 20 US magazines that received the most cigarette advertising revenue in 1985, eight were women’s magazines. In the same year, a study on the cigarette advertising policies of 53 British women’s magazines (read by more than half of all British women) showed that 64 per cent of the magazines accepted cigarette advertising, which represented an average of seven per cent of total advertising revenue. Research in industrialized countries has shown the subtle method used to encourage girls to smoke. The impact of such method is likely to be even greater in developing countries, where young people are generally less knowledgeable about smoking hazards and may be more attracted by glamorous, affluent, desirable images of the female smoker. This is why WHO, together with other national and international health agencies, has repeatedly called for national legislation banning all forms of tobacco promotion, and for an appropriate "high price" policy which would slow down the "enthusiasm" of young women for tobacco consumption. Young girls and women have a right to be informed about the damage that smoking can do to their health. They also need to acquire skills to resist pressure to start smoking or to give it up. Several countries have developed integrated school and preschool health education programs which have successfully reduced girls’ smoking rates~ but this education should not be restricted to what happens in school. There are many other examples of effective cessation programs in the workplace and primary health centers. Unfortunately, many women do not have the opportunity to be involved in such programs, and programs have generally been less successful with women than men. Smoking amongst women has already reached epidemic proportions and will continue to escalate unless action is taken now. Delays can only cause further suffering and deaths of women; this is why WHO’s new program on tobacco or health is giving high priority to action to protect women and children. rise one after the other (Para. 4)
