

A. 松的货币政策与松的财政政策
B. 紧的货币政策与紧的财政政策
C. 松的货币政策与紧的财政政策
D. 紧的货币政策与松的财政政策


The customer has both AIX and Windows hosts and is complaining that their storage infrastructureis complex and distributed. They need to simplify backup and restore operations. What productshould the storage specialist be prepared to discuss with them?()

A. Softek
B. Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack
C. Tivoli Storage Manager
D. Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replicatio

During an HACMP installation, it is discovered that the customer is using the 802.3 frame type on The Ethernet adapters. How will this affect HACMP?()

A. HACMP will support all Ethernet frame types except EtherChannel.
B. HACMP will not complete autodiscovery if an adapter of type of 802.3 is discovered.
C. HACMP does not support 802.3 frame types and will ignore any adapters that are that type.
D. HACMP does not support 802.3 frame type but will attempt to add them to HACMP networks during the discovery process.



A. 每台计算机可以有多个默认打印机
B. 如果一台计算机安装了两台打印机,这两台打印机都可以不是默认打印机
C. 每台计算机如果已经安装了打印机,则必有一个也仅仅有一个默认打印机
D. 默认打印机是系统自动产生的,用户不用更改
