magnanimity eradicate rule of thumb quotidian shed light onfrail oblivious patronize profanity etiquetteYou can turn your pain into _________________ or into poetry. The choice is up to you.
What relationship is regarded as good for partners? There is no universal, ideal model 1 which a relationship can be evaluated. A “good relationship” is one that works for both partners and effectively supports them in achieving their goals. If this is not working at some point, it does not 2 mean that the couple requires therapy. All relationships tend to encounter problems during 3 periods and at different stages, and many couples have a good ability 4 their difficulties without professional help. However, some may find that they are continually unhappy with their relationship. Sometimes one partner feels frustrated and misunderstood 5 his or her mate is totally unaware of the situation.Of the couple are unable to resolve issues in a 6 that is acceptable to both partners, professional help should be considered. Many couples only consider therapy as a last 7 . It may, however, be helpful at any time. 8 ,seeking therapy soon after things get “stuck” prevents a 9 of frustration and disappointment. The aim of couple therapy is not only to help the couple deal appropriately with immediate problems, but also to achieve better ways of relation 10.
智能温室通过( )和自动控制系统,实现环境控制精准化,使光、热、水、肥等环境要素处于农业生物生长发育的最适范围。
A. 农业物联网
B. 微气象站
C. 传感器
D. 互联网
精准灌溉的核心内涵是在( )的前提下,精确保证植物需水的最优化满足。
A. 灌溉
B. 节约用水
C. 滴灌
D. 喷灌
精准施肥以作物生长模型和作物营养专家系统为基础,以( )等大数据资源为支撑,依托现代工业装备技术的现代施肥技术,实现养分对农作物的精准供应。
A. 差异化土壤理化性质
B. 气象因子
C. 作物生长发育状况
D. 病虫害情况