A. 双肺湿性罗音
B. 咳粉色泡沫痰
C. 端座呼吸
D. 颈静脉怒张
E. 心性哮喘
机体体循环静脉压增高的最常见原因是( )
A. 血栓阻塞静脉腔
B. 肿瘤转移到静脉
C. 瘢痕压迫静脉壁
D. 右心衰竭
E. 左心衰竭
A. 平卧时回心血量增多
B. 平卧时心脏指数增加
C. 平卧时水肿液易于入血
D. 平卧时胸腔容积变小
E. 睡眠中神经反射敏感性降低
Which of the following conditions matches this description - The heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood ( more blood enters the heart from the veins than leaves through the arteries)?
A. Heart attack
B. Acute myocardial infraction
Congestive heart failure
D. Hypertension
E. Coronary artery disease