What should you do when a guest make a complaint? First, take your time and listen with 【1】________. After the guest expresses his complaint, you can 【2】________to show you are listening to him and reply in a way like "I understand your problem." or "Thanks a lot for bringing up the matter to us." This will give the guest the 【3】________that you are supporting him. If you are the person to solve the problem, then【4】________to solve it. If you cannot handle it, then 【5】________ the right person who can solve it.
国家垄断资本主义的产生和发展表明( )
A. 资本主义仍然具有强大的生命力
B. 社会主义制度很快就要建立
C. 私有制已经被公有制所代替
D. 资本主义社会不再存在竞争 D资本掠夺、剥削和奴役其它国家和人民的重要手段