What is globalization?Globalization is a 1)_________, cultural and political phenomenon.Socially, globalization leads to greater interaction among various populations.Culturally, globalization represents the exchange of ideas, values and artistic expression among cultures.Politically, globalization has shifted attention to Intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations(UN) and the World Trade Organization(WTO).In Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian set off to the Western regions twice, and was the 2)_______ of Silk Road.Globalization brought about great changes in our life. The most dramatic change is found in 3)_____.Another field of globalization is education. More international students are studying in Chinese universities.Globalization also witnessed the boom of e-learning.Some people are more critical about globalization, like the speaker of TED speech the Myth of globalization. A cultural context is 4)__________ to overcome the communication barrier.
A. 平衡功能差,老年人应使用助步器
B. 转达换体位的速度要放慢
C. 居室地面应平整、光滑
D. 不过量饮酒
E. 合理用药
A. 代谢率降低
B. 味、嗅觉减退,服药所致的食欲减退、恶心
C. 无能力获得食物
D. 厌食
E. 沮丧
A. 给卧床老年人喂汤时,食勺要从口正中直入,以免呛咳
B. 卧床老年人进食时应使其头部转向一侧
C. 给偏瘫老年人进食时,食勺应从健侧放入,尽量送到舌根部
D. 进食时注意力集中
E. 吃干食发噎者,进食时准备水或饮料