A. 对警告、罚款、没收违法所得、没收非法财物、责令停产停业、暂扣或者吊销执照、行政拘留等行政处罚决定不服的,公民法人或其他组织可以申请复议
B. 对限制人身自由或者对财产的查封,扣押、冻结财产等行政强制措施不服的,可以申请行政复议
C. 对有关许可证,执照、资质证、资格证等证书变更、中止、撤销的决定不服的,可以申请复议
D. 认为行政机关变更或者废止农业承包合同,侵犯其合法权益的,可以申请行政复议
E. A、B、C均正确,D错误
A. 中国保监会
B. 中国银监会
C. 国资委
D. 发改委
图8-1 该系统的可靠度为(6)。
A. 0.9
B. 0.92
C. 0.991
D. 0.994
Digital computer is controlled by internally stored programs and(66) of using common storage for all or part of a program and also for all or part of the data necessary for the execution of the programs; executing user-written or user-designated programs; performing user-designated manipulation of digitally represented discrete data, including.(67) operations and logic operations; and executing programs that(68) themselves during their execution.Analog computer's operations are analogous to the(69) of another system and that accepts, processes, and produces analog data.(70) computer integrates analog computer components and digital computer components by interconnection of digital-to-analog converters and analog-to-digital converters.
A. qualified
B. competent
C. capable
D. able
A. 选择权学说
B. “主业突出”偏好学说
C. 管理效率学说
D. 债权人的潜在损失学说