A. 夏朝以后
B. 商朝以后
C. 西周以后
D. 春秋战国以后
A. B超,血常规,血小板,肝功能
B. 内诊,血常规,血型,DIC筛选试验
C. B超,β-HCG,HPL,E2
D. B超,β-HCG,血常规,血型,DIC筛选试验
E. 内诊,B超,血常规,尿HCG
The example of the Apollo Ⅱ moon launch is to illustrate that
A. minor mistakes can be ignored in achieving major objectives.
B. keeping one's goal in mind helps in deciding which details can be overlooked.
C. adjustments are the key to the successful completion of any work.
D. failure is the mother of success.
A. provided
B. offering
C. granted
D. providing