


Octavian did not restore The Roman Republic, instead, he was virtually the firstemperor of the Roman Empire, in that

A. He took supreme power and demanded from each soldier a personal oath of loyalty to He was called
B. He was called princeps (the first head) and was awarded the title “Augustus”
C. He had the powers of both the tribune and consul, and the Senate did what he wishes
D. All of the above

Roman laws can be Categorized as

A. Citizen Law
B. Law of Nations
C. Natural Law
D. All of the above

Which of the following is correct about "Law of Nations(万民法)"

A. It applys to foreigners as well as all dealings to do with other nations. It has been said to be the beginning of international laws.
B. It is related only to Roman citizens
C. It refers to the use of reason to analyze both social and personalhuman natureto deduce binding rules of moral behavior.
D. It can be furtherly divided into private law and public law.

The Roman Law has great influence in that

A. It served as a basis forlegal practicethroughout Western continentalEurope, as well as in most former colonies of these European nations.
B. English and North Americancommon law(普通法,即习惯法)were influenced also by it, notably in their Latinate legal glossary.
C. No modern code completely broke with the Roman tradition.
D. All of the above
