The following complications of abdominocentesis, which one is not correct
A. hepatic
B. bleeding
C. pleural reaction
D. infection
E. electrolyte disorder
There is a patient who has liver cirrhosis needs to release ascites, the amount for the first time should not exceed
A. 1000ml
B. 2000ml
C. 3000ml
D. 4000ml
E. 5000ml
A. 补液
B. 吸氧
C. 继续穿刺
D. 使用肾上腺素
E. 测量血压
A. 检查腹腔积液性质
B. 给药
C. 抽取积液
D. 检查腹壁血管走行
E. 进行诊断和治疗疾病
A. 穿刺前先嘱患者多饮水
B. 签署知情同意书
C. 行局部麻醉药皮试
D. 穿刺前先嘱患者排尿
E. 检查患者凝血功能