听力原文:How far is the way to get to your house from here?
A. It's five miles away.
B. We drive fast.
C. By plane.
D. Walking through the park.
相互有继承关系的几个人在同一事件中丧生,不能确定死亡先后顺序的,根据有关司法解释,推定 ()
A. 没有继承人的人先死亡
B. 同时死亡
C. 有继承人的先死亡
D. 长辈先死亡
The snowline's retreat means that it is getting ______.
A. higher
B. lower
C. wider
D. narrower
听力原文:M: I am wondering where to spend our winter holiday, dear.
W: I prefer to have it in a coasted city to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
Q: What is the relationship between the man and the woman?
A shop assistant and a customer.
B. A teacher and a student.
C. A boy and a girl.
D. Wife and husband.
根据《民法通则》的规定,下列侵权行为中适用推定过错责任的是 ()
A. 国家机关工作人员职务侵权致人损害
B. 高度危险作业致人损害
C. 建筑物及建筑物上的悬挂物致人损害
D. 污染环境的损害