
听力原文:M: Why, Mary Smith. I haven't seen you for ages. How have you been?
W: John, John Brown. It has been a long time, hasn't it? It must be at least a year.
M: No, we talked at the Johnson's Christmas party last December. Don't you remember?
W: That's right. Well, how are you? Still working for the Jones and French Company?
M: No, I changed jobs about 3 months ago. I'm with the National Bank now. How about you?
W: I'm still teaching at the university. But I switched from the German department to the Spanish department.
M: Don't tell me you speak Spanish, too.
W: Sure. I grew up in Spain, you know. German was what I studied in college, but my Spanish is much better.
M: All I've ever managed to learn is a little Italian. I can get a pizza in Rome, but not much more.
W: Well, how is your family? Are the children all in school now?
M: No, Billy is still at home. Tom is in the third grade and Jane's in the second. Billy could have gone to kindergarten, but we didn't want him to start school too early. So we're keeping him out until next year.
W: Our two children haven't started school yet either. But my daughter Sue will go in the fall, too. Oh, my bus band just came in. I want to go ask him something. I'll talk to you again later, John.
M: It was nice seeing you again, Mary.

A. The National Bank.
B. The Spanish department.
C. The Jones and French Company.
D. A company in Rome.


A.His son hit him on the arm.B.He stumbled over a stone arid fell.C.He bumped the arm

A. His son hit him on the arm.
B. He stumbled over a stone arid fell.
C. He bumped the arm against a piece of furniture.
D. He knocked over a coffee pot.

现场浇筑简支梁桥上部结构的混凝土时,一般由一头开始,向另一头进行。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

护栏产品的机械加工工艺有两种,一种是连续辊压成型,另一种是液压冷弯成型。标准要求一般宜采用液压冷弯成型。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

高速公路挖方土基,根据《公路工程技术标准》(JTG B01—2003)的规定,土基顶面30cm以内压实度应达到95%。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
