Which of the following about air pollution does the passage suggest?
A. Further attempts to reduce emissions from gasoline-fueled vehicles will nor help lower urban air pollution levels.
B. Attempts to reduce the pollutants that an individual gasoline-fueled vehicle emits have been largely unsuccessful.
C. Few serious attempts have been made to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted by gasoline fueled vehicles.
D. Pollutants emitted by gasoline-fueled vehicles are not the most critical source of urban air pollution.
A. 金黄色葡萄球菌
B. 肠炎杆菌
C. 鼠伤寒杆菌
D. 变形杆菌
E. 空肠弯曲菌
A. 作者对古人步行要受礼法的严格限制颇不以为然。
B. 汉末之后人们对步行美的崇尚象征着儒学的衰亡。
C. 写儒道两家对步行的不同态度,表明作者尊道贬儒。
D. 作者写作本文主要是为了介绍一些历史文化现象。
A. 高热量、低蛋白、低盐
B. 低盐、高蛋白、高维生素
C. 高盐、高蛋白、高维生素
D. 高脂肪、低蛋白、高维生素
E. 低脂肪、高蛋白、低维生素