Why did Chusovitina move to Germany?
A. To receive better training.
B. To compete in the Olympics.
C. To coach the German gymnastics team.
D. To get medical treatment for her son.
What is Chusovitina’s dream?
A. To win her sixth medal.
B. To enter the vault final.
C. To win a medal for her home country.
D. To get money for her son’s treatment.
对放射性外照射的防护措施包括( )。
A. 距离防护
B. 时间防护
C. 屏蔽防护
D. 防治呼吸道吸收
以下关于放射性废物固化处理技术说法正确的是( )。
A. 弥散性的放射性固废,如泥浆、焚烧炉灰等,需要进行固化;
B. 固化可以是将放射性核素通过化学转变,引入到某种稳定固体物质的晶格当中;
C. 固化可以是通过物理过程把放射性核素直接掺入到惰性基材中;
D. 可以通过压缩实现固化;
可以实现放射性固废减容的方法有( )。
A. 压缩
B. 焚烧
C. 蒸发
D. 固化