
Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.MOOCs are classes that are taught online to large numbers of students, with minimal involvement of professors. Typically, students watch short video lectures and complete assignments that are graded either by machines or by other students. That way a single professor can support a class with thousands of participants. Today the number of high-profile research institutions that present these courses has steadily risen. As college students continue to opt for more modern and flexible means of education, there is room for MOOCs to make major waves in the world of higher education. However, MOOCs aren’t a substitute for undergraduate education. The issue is that not many employers view the online courses as having the same amount of applicable information as an in-person class. In short, MOOCs are still viewed as courses for fun instead of real applicable learning.


Translate the following paragraph into English.现在,不少中国大学生选择商业或科学技术作为大学专业,越来越多的学生意识到人文学科也十分重要。为了培养全面发展的学生,中国一些顶尖的大学正在推行博雅教育。博雅教育提供同时课程,学生在深入学习至少一门专业课的同时可以接触不同的学科,掌握不同的学习策略。博雅教育有利于培养学生的想象力和思维能力,是他们更好地适应日益复杂的劳动力市场的需求。


A. worthwhile
B. worthy
C. valued
D. worth


A. making
B. driving
C. prompting
D. letting


A. workson
B. worksaway
C. worksout
D. calculates
