


根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。以下是两位老师为学生布置的作业:Teacher 1Step 4 : Homework1. Write new words and phrases on the notebook.2. Finish exercise 3 on Page 21. (Text book)3. Finish exercises on Page 20-24. (Exercise boo

请阅读Passage2,完成第小题。Passage 2Results showed that at least a tenth of the Harvard first-year undergraduates polled admitted to having cheated on an exam prior to starting at the university, while almost

A. Most American students cheat in exams before they enter universities.
B. Most American students entering the universities admit they have cheated.
C. Half of students entering the universities admit to cheating on their homework.
D. There is academic dishonesty among students entering the US University.

Passage 1Plants and animals that have been studied carefully seem to have built-in clocks. These biological clocks, as they are called, usually are not quite exact in measuring time. However, they wor

A. They are used by all plants and animals to tell time.
B. Pigeons' biological clocks are regulated every day with the sunrise.
C. The built-in biological clocks cannot be changed.
D. They gradually developed as pigeons grow mature.

(1) The teacher wrote the new vocabulary down and asked students to look them up in the dictionary.
(2) The teacher explained the usage of those wo根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。
(1) The teacher wrote the new vocabulary down and asked students to look them up in the dictionary.
(2) The teacher explained the usage of those wo
