
男性,肾衰竭尿量<200ml/24h,急査血尿素氮28 mmol/L,血肌酐470umol/L,血清钾6.2mmol/L,经一般处理未见好转,应做的处理是

A. 立即静推抗生素
B. 立即控制水入量
C. 静推大剂量激素
D. 25%葡萄糖及胰岛素静脉推注
E. 透析疗法


_____ enjoys small power distance culture according to Hofstede.

A. China
B. Denmark
C. Mexico
D. India

The following societies are high in individualism EXCEPT _____.

A. New Zealand
B. Canada
C. Australia
D. Japan

Feminie societies include the following countries EXCEPT _____.

A. Portugal
B. Spain
C. Argentina
D. Norway

The following countries enjoy cultures of low uncertainty avoidance EXCEPT _____.

A. France
B. Canada
C. Great Britain
D. The United States
