
What is the color of the roof of Wenyuange?

A. Red.
B. Yellow.
C. Black.
D. Gray.


What did the competition ask for?

A new building design for the national bank.
B. A new paper notes design with a sea theme.
C. A new design to use wind power generation.
D. A new design to show different wind speeds.

Why is the wind speed design clever?

A. The design shows different levels of wind speed.
B. The design uses a sea theme to represent Norway.
C. The design shows tradition and beauty.
D. The design connects buildings and objects.


A. 可分为轴突和树突
B. 轴突细而长,每一个神经细胞只有一根,末端可有分支
C. 树突较短多分支,Nissl小体可深入其内
D. 由细胞体发出轴突处有轴丘,内含Nissl小体
E. 神经原纤维在镀银切片中被染成黑色,相互交织成网,伸入树突和轴突内


A. 分布在细胞体和轴突内
B. 分布在细胞体和树突内
C. 分布在细胞体内
D. 分布在突起内
E. 分布在整个神经元内
