
企业在资产负债表日,应当按照规定对外币非货币性项目进行处理,采用资产负债表日即期汇率折算。因资产负债表日即期汇率与初始确认时或者前一资产负债表日即期汇率不同而产生的汇兑差额,计入当期损益。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


Which of the following statements is NOT perfectly true?

A. There is no way to solve the problem of disagreements among historians.
B. If the students want to evaluate the work of various historians, they should first know what history really is.
C. History is of course written by historians.
D. The concept of history in students' mind is different from that in historians' mind.


A. 不能确认负债,作为或有负债在报表附注中披露
B. 确认预计负债110万元,同时在报表附注中披露有关信息
C. 确认预计负债105万元,同时在报表附注中披露有关信息
D. 不能确认负债,也不需要在报表附注中披露

Why is drunken boating more dangerous than drunken driving?

A. Because of the enjoyment of boating.
Because of the terrible power and high speed.
C. Because of the crowded waterways.
D. Because of the lack of traffic regulations.


A. 因上述合同不可撤销,A公司将收到的B公司定金确认为收入
B. A公司对该事项应确认预计负债320万元
C. A公司对该事项应确认预计负债150万元
D. A公司对该事项应确认存货跌价准备150万元
