
According to Mr. Verleger, what is the most important change in the global energy economy

A. the rapid growth in world oil consumption
B. the rise of China and India
C. the construction of new pipelines is becoming more difficult
D. the rise of oil price


Stephanopoulos pointed out that the number of today's natural disasters is about ______ limes more than that of the 1960s.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5


A. 鲁迅《呐喊》
B. 冰心《春水》
C. 茅盾《话匣子》
D. 老舍《茶馆》

When seeing others living alone, some people panic because they think singledom is ______.

A. abnormal
B. diversified
C. unimaginable
D. disgusting

It is implied in the passage that singletons are usually ______.

A. self-reliant
B. self-conscious
C. self-sufficient
D. self-centered
