


I was born in 1931 in Tianjin, and my whole family moved to Shanghai when I was three. Even though Shanghai, at that time, was covered with the __1___of the war, my father, who was an __2__ still had the __3___and quick__4__to make a deal with a wealthy landowner. He built a huge three-storey house, with a big garden, courtyards, and a swimming pool. We had invented games like __5___ down staircases, ___6___on the roof, raising___7___, and watching Westerns. I still remembered my father providing ___8___ to people from the ___9___ city to our home. My extraordinary and ___10____childhood impressed me as I grew up and held the belief that I have never lost the child in me.A invasion; B. intuition; C. darkness; D. silkworms; E. wit; F. engineer; G.refuges;H. mingled;I. privileged; J. roller skating;K. sliding;L. landowner; M. war-torn; N. hospitality; O. universal

对大额逾期应收账款,如果无法获取积极式询证函回函,则注册会计师应( )。

A. 审查所审计期间应收账款回收情况
B. 了解大额应收账款客户的信用情况
C. 审查与销货有关的销售合同、发票、发运凭证等文件
D. 提请被审计单位提高坏账准备提取比例

下列有关函证业务的表述中,正确的是( )。

A. 函证是指仅依靠信函的方式来获取证据
B. 函证权适用于银行存款和往来款项等项目
C. 询证分为积极式和消极式两种类型
D. 如果回函结果表明不存在差异,说明该事项不存在错报

下列关于库存现金盘点程序的说法中不正确的是( )。

A. 企业各部门经管的现金都应列入盘点范围
B. 是证实资产负债表所列现金是否存在的一项重要程序
C. 现金盘点不需要突击盘点
D. 以存放在两处或两处以上的现金应同时进行盘点
