A. 治疗重心由使用手工艺活动转为使用以科学为基础的复健技巧
B. 作业治疗的教育规画出现第一本教科书
C. 作业治疗开始发展义肢与装具技术
D. 作业行为理论发展迅速
A. 感觉统合及运用测验(SIPT)
B. 感觉问卷(SP)
C. 感觉加工评估量表(ESP)
D. 小学生触觉功能检核表(TIE)
E. 感觉加工测试量表(SPM)
A. 科学式推理(scientific reasoning)
B. 叙述式推理(narrative reasoning)
C. 实用式推理(pragmatic reasoning)
D. 伦理式推理(ethical reasoning)
Read Text B in Unit 3. Do the comprehension questions.P76.Why would the son always fall into despair when writing to his father?
A. He was not quite sure about his father's attitude toward him.
B. He still remembered how he had run away from home.
C. His exile experience left him feeling very negative.
D. He could well imagine how angry his father would be.
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.It's not unusual for teenagers to go through a(n) ________ when they feel ashamed of their parents, afraid that they might not live up to their friends' standards.