
挖沟槽土方清单项目编码前九位为( )。

A. 010101001
B. 010101002
C. 010101003
D. 010102003


以下条件属于沟槽的是( )。

A. 建筑物场地厚度≤300mm的挖填找运
B. 底宽≤7m且底长>3倍底宽
C. 底宽≤3倍底宽且底面积小于等于150平方米
D. 底宽>3倍底宽且底面积大等于150平方米


A. 按设计图示尺寸以手层建筑面积计算
B. 按设计图示尺寸以面积计算
C. 按设计图示尺寸以基础垫层面积乘以挖土深度计算
D. 按设计图示尺寸以开挖面积乘以厚度计算

挖沟槽土方项目特征描述( )。

A. 土壤类别
B. 挖土深度
C. 弃土运距
D. 取土运距

__________1____________How could the love a grateful grass is offering, Repay the great warm of sunshine in spring?__________2__________Not until you become a parent can you fully appreciate parents’ love.❖_________3___________A drop received in need should be repaid with a flow of spring.❖______4________Keep in mind the well digger when you drink the water.❖_________5________________To be grateful and want to repay, It’s the best virtue and best way.
