
Please put them in order①Transfer of the ligated plasmid into an E. coli strain②isolation the desired target fragment③Selection of transformed bacteria④Ligation of the fragment into a new plasmid vector

A. ①②③④
B. ④③②①
C. ②④①③
D. ②④③①


DNA molecules can be cut into sections by using:

B. Gel electrophoresis
C. Plasmid
D. A probe
E. Restriction endonuclease

Bacteria containing recombinant plasmids are often identified by which process?

A. removing the DNA of all cells in a culture to see which cells have plasmids
B. examining the cells with an electron microscope
C. exposing the bacteria to an antibiotic that kills the cells lacking the plasmid
D. producing antibodies specific for each bacterium containing a recombinant plasmid

There are two kinds of DNA libraries, they are _____ libraries and _____ libraries。

关于圆锥体三视图的说法,以下( )是正确的。

A. 有一个视图的外形轮廓为圆形
B. 有二个视图的外形轮廓为三角形
C. 有一个视图为梯形
