
Many Americans believe that competition is vitally important to preserving freedom. The terms “__” is the most often used to describe the American business system()

A. free enterprise
B. equality of opportunity
C. individual freedom
D. capitalism


The shop stored_goods as Spring Festival drew near()

A. a great amount of
B. plenty of
C. a great deal of
D. much

What might happen if adults interrupt a science discussion with kids by saying “That’s right”()

A. Children are satisfied with the praise
B. Children are encouraged to behave well
Children may come up with more ideas
D. Children may mistake that as the ending of the discussion

What does the author try to tell the readers from the example in paragraph 2()

A. Young children are interested in textbook questions
B. Adults should talk about children’s questions in detail
C. Young children are very brave to try the new things
D. Adults should listen to children’s questions

The national government is divided into three separate branches. They are_,_and_()

A. the legislative branch
B. the executive branch
C. the diplomatic branch
D. the judicial branch
