Task 1 : There are five short dialogues about developing economy. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Q: Which is NOT mentioned by the woman?[音频]
A. Windmill.
B. Coal.
C. Oil.
D. Natural gas.
Task 1 : There are five short dialogues about developing economy. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Q: What does the woman mean?[音频]
A. Many poor people live in France.
B. Many poor people live in Latin America.
C. Many poor people live in United States of America.
D. Many poor people live in Sweden.
Task 1 : There are five short dialogues about developing economy. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Q: Which diet is better for the environment?[音频]
A meat-based diet.
B. A fish-based diet.
C. A plant-based diet.
D. A chicken-based diet.
在工程量清单计价中,措施项目费的综合单价已考虑了风险因素并包括( )。
A. 人工费、材料费、机械使用费
B. 人工费、材料费、机械使用费、管理费
C. 人工费、材料费、机械使用费、管理费和利润
D. 人工费、材料费、机械使用费、规费、管理费、利润和税金
在2013工程量清单中,招标人在工程量清单中暂定并包括在合同价款中的一笔款项,合同签订时尚未确定或者不可预见的费用,这部分费用包括在( )中。
A. 暂列金额
B. 暂估价
C. 预留金
D. 其他项目清单
E. 措施项目清单