A. 登记会计账簿时,应当将会计凭证日期、编号、业务内容摘要、金额和其他有关资料逐项记入账簿内
B. 登账完毕,要注明已经登记的符号并在记账凭证上签字或盖章
C. 账簿中书写的文字和数字应紧靠底线书写,一般应占格距的1/2
D. 凡需要结出余额的账户,应当结出余额并正确填列,借或贷栏可省略不写
A. 合规就是商业银行的经营管理活动与法律、规则和准则相一致
B. 合规是银行开展经营管理活动的最高要求,不需要一开始就做到
C. 上市银行合规需要符合股票交易管理机构的特定规则
D. 全球化运营的大型商业银行要遵循各分支机构驻在地的不同监管要求
Recently the online encyclopedia Wikipedia celebrated its 10th birthday. Many media outlets(26)its growth, number ofarticles, range of topics and its writer gender gap.
A recent study discovered that barely 15 percent of Wikipedia(27)are women, with the lion"s share of the articles beingwritten, edited and(28)by men in their mid-20s. Online public contexts such as web forums and Wikipedia, especially if they(29)domains such as politics, technology, or knowledge, are still male-dominated. These domains are important, and womcn"srelatively lesser30in them is potentially a cause for concern~ But that doesn"t mean women don"t have a(31)on theWeb. A few years ago, we wondered whether there was a gender gap in terms of who was getting online.
The survey found a(32)higher number of American women online than men. And in the current social networking age,the ladies are still leading the pack. Other surveys and reports show more female(33)on sites like Twitter and Facebook. Sowhen it comes to gender and the lnternet today, the question isn"t whether more men or women are surfing the Net, but whetherthey"re surfing the Net differently. Men tend to be more(34), and to tolerate contentious debate, more than women. Women,(35), tend to be more polite and supportive, as well as less assertive.
A. 盘存单
B. 实存账存对比表
C. 银行存款余额调节表
D. 往来款项对账单