
1.X大学对所属独立核算的服务公司M进行补助,拨出现金40 000元,资金来源是X大学预算外资金,会计处理:
借:对附属单位补助 40 000
贷:现金 40 000
2.2007年该校收取学生各类证件押金等共计500 000元。应查实,没有相关部门的收费许可证。X大学认为这是学校收取的押金,在学生毕业时退还学生本人,所以不需经过相关部门审批,不属于乱收费现象。会计处理:
借:银行存款 500 000
贷:其他应付款 500 000
3.检查小组发现该校校内有部分房屋出租,但X大学的账簿上没有记录租金收入的取得。经询问,X大学认为校内所出租的房屋属于简易建筑,并且租金收入每年共5 000元,金额较小,所以X大学将该项收入由财务处单独设账保存。
4.因扩大招生规模,X大学以预算外资金新建学生宿舍楼一栋,工程预算60 000 000元,批经主管部门和财政部门审批后,通过招标方式开工建设。X大学提交了《财政授权支付申请书》,将款项转入基建会计核算。
借:结转自筹基建 60 000 000
贷:银行存款 60 000 000
5.X大学编制2007年预算时,部分资料如下:(1)人员经费预算23 000 000元,按支出功能分类,列入“教育”类;按支出经济分类,列入“工资编制支出”类。(2)X大学日常办公经费预算10 000 000元,按支出功能分类列入“教育”类;按支出经济分类列入“商品和服务支出”类。(3)本年度科研经费1 000 000元,按支出功能分类,列入“教育”类;按支出经济分类列入“商品和服务支出”类。(4)以自筹资金安排办公楼基建项目60 000 000元,按支出功能分类,列入“教育”类;按支出经济分类,列入“基本建设支出”类。
6.X大学校长办公会研究决定,将一台闲置设备出售,该设备账面价值1 860 000元,售价900000元。X大学将出售事项报经主管单位审批同意后,出售了该设备,款项已存入银行。
借:固定基金 1 860 000
贷:固定资产 1 860 000
借:零余额账户用款额度 900 000
贷:专用基金 900 000
8.X大学以采购物资为名义,拨付所属独立核算的企业Y采购款1 140 000元,资金来源是X大学预算外资金。会计处理:
借:拨出专款 1 140 000
贷:银行存款 1 140 000


Question 8
May Trading Co. Ltd. has following figures at 31 December Year 1

Fixed assets 1,300,000
Provision for depreciation 350,000
Stock 450,000
Debtors(net) 142,500
Bank 250,000
Creditors 240,000
Accrued expenses 65,000
Share capital($10 par) 1,600,000
Profit and loss account 467,350
As the accountant of May Trading Co. Ltd., you are required to prepare its master budgets for the 6 months from 1 January Year 2 to 30 June Year 2. You have the following information available:
Purchase Wages Overheads excluding depreciation
Oct Year 1 (Actual) 25,000 130,000 90,000 70,000
Nov Year 1 (Actual) 27,000 150,000 90,000 70,000
Dec Year 1 (Estimated) 33,000 170,000 90,000 90,000
Jan Year 2 (Estimated) 30,000 170,000 90,000 70,000
Feb Year 2 (Estimated) 35,000 180,000 100,000 90,000
Mar Year 2 (Estimated) 36,000 200,000 110,000 90,000
Apr Year 2 (Estimated) 34,000 190,000 110,000 90,000
May Year 2 (Estimated) 33,000 190,000 110,000 80,000
Jun Year 2 (Estimated) 37,000 160,000 120,000 80,000
Additional Information:
1. The selling price in October Year 1 was $9 per unit and this will be increased to $10 in February Year 2.
2. 30% of sales are on cash basis, credit sales are to be settled one month after the sales. It is expected that 5% of credit sales are uncollectible.
3. Purchases are to be paid for two months after purchases.
4. Wages and overheads are to be paid equally in the month incurred and the following months.
5. A machine will be purchased on 1 January Year 2 at a cost of $240,000.
6. The depreciation policy on fixed assets is 10% p.a. on cost on those owned at the end of the budget period.
7. The stock level at 30 June Year is estimated to be two months' purchases in the past.
8. The company plans to raise money from the stock market by issuing 50,000 preference shares at$5 per share in March Year 2.
9. Accrued expenses are to be settled in one month.
(a)Prepare a Budgeted Profit & Loss Account for the 6 months period ended 30 June Year 2.
(b)Prepare a Cash Budgeted for the 6 months period ended 30 June Year 2.



