

A. 1:500、1:1000、1:2000
B. 1:100、1:200、1:500
C. 1:50、1:20、1:10
D. 1:5、1:500、1:5000


Insurance documents must not bear a date of issuance which is later than the date of loading on board or dispatch or taking in charge of the goods(as applicable)at the place stated in the Credit,unless it appears from the insurance document that the cover is effective at the latest from the date of loading on board or dispatch or taking in charge(as applicable)of the goods at the place stated in the credit. An insurance document that incorporates an expiry date must clearly indicate that such expiry date relates to the latest date that loading on board or dispatch or taking in charge of the goods(as applicable) is to occur,as opposed to an expiry date for the presentation of any claims there under.


A. 虚线圆
B. 粗实线
C. 粗实线圆
D. 黑圆点


A. 白英
B. 冬虫夏草
C. 山药
D. 枸杞子
E. 党参


A. 鼻嗅法
B. 推灰
C. 水试法
D. 摇听法
E. 火试法
